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WooCommerce SEO

Woocommerce SEO

What would a store with impeccable design, attractive prices and the most innovative products be if no one knew about it? SEO plays an important role in the success and sustainability of any e-commerce site. We give you some tips that you can use to improve the SEO of your WooCommerce store. Since WooCommerce works with WordPress, this article on WordPress SEO will prove to be a plus for your SEO.

How to improve WooCommerce SEO.

Optimize the title and meta description

The Shop page, as part of WooCommerce, is that archive page. The title and the meta description will therefore clearly identify the object of your store. These optimizations are carried out in the SEO> Titles and Metas> Archive section. As much as the title and meta description of your Shop page are important, so is that of your products. WooCommerce gives you the option to configure them globally or individually. This will play a big role in the positioning and SEO of your WooCommerce store.

Increase the number of products per page

The more products you have on a page, the more visitors will tend to continue the browser. So the longer they stay on your site, the more your SEO score increases. Therefore, we recommend to set up an infinite scroll which will load as the page unfolds. Perform this operation in the « Appearance » section of your WordPress

Use relevant URLs for your products

For each of your products, you have the option of modifying the URL and not using the one generated by default. However, be sure to use keywords sparingly to avoid SPAMMING.

Thoroughly detail your product sheets

Content matters a lot for the SEO of your WooCommerce store. You will indeed notice that the most popular e-commerce sites have very full and detailed product sheets. As an idea for content, answer in particular the most common questions of your buyers.

Embed photos and videos

Photos and videos act as a window for your visitors to your products. Please therefore to their quality and optimization so that they do not affect the performance of your WooCommerce web hosting. Likewise, many of your visitors and customers have landed on your site by searching by image or video. So feel free to describe each of the images well with the alt attribute.

Don’t ignore the reviews

The consumer, even unconsciously, is affected by the rating and also by the opinions of other users of the product he wishes to purchase. So activate the option of reviews on your products to increase user confidence and improve your store’s SEO. Plus, these reviews will be a gold mine for getting product feedback from your customers.